How to take care of your pets

 There are various ways that you can take care of your pets during these times.

We have highlighted a few points that can aid you during these times 1. Sticking to routine: Your routine has likely been disrupted in some pretty significant ways. In times like these, it can be tempting to let your pet's routines fall to the wayside, too. It becomes essential to try to keep your schedule as intact as possible. 2. Exercise: If you're allowed to leave the house for exercise, it's a good idea to combine it with a leash walk for your dog... It's critical to stay away from crowded public spaces like dog parks and keep yourself and your dog at least 2 meters apart from other people. If someone else is walking your pets, be sure they are also taking all necessary precautions. Play some indoor games like Tug of war, Hide the treat, Chase the prey, Fetch, Treasure Hunt 3. Avoid Overstimulation Dogs benefit from both outdoor and indoor sports, but anything that is overly violent or lasts too long might cause overstimulation. Play sessions should be ended while both you and your dog are still having a wonderful time. READ MORE


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