A comprehensive guide and some ideas to having a pet turtle at ho

Taking care of a pet turtle is not as simple as it may appear. The decision to keep a pet turtle should be carefully considered. If your child has been begging for a pet, a turtle may seem like an obvious choice. It may appear to be more exotic than a goldfish and require less maintenance than a cat or dog. Turtles take particular attention and cleaning, and they don't get along well with children—turtles may bite and dislike being handled—but they're still fascinating pets to watch. Pet turtles need a lot of care and upkeep, and their lengthy lifetime makes them more of a long-term investment than a pet. Image Alt Text: pet turtle Image Title: pet turtle Description: The decision to keep a pet turtle should be carefully considered. This is your guide to everything you need to know about How to take care of a pet turtle 1. Choosing the right breed of your pet turtle: Turtles come in a range of shapes and sizes, and some make better ...